Just because it’s winter, does not mean you need to take your flag down. There are many ways you can prepare for winter conditions while keeping your flag and flagpole in good condition. There are also durable flag types you can buy that are more weather resistant.
Here are some tips on both flag and flagpole care for the winter.
The Best Flag Type for Winter
Since wind speeds are stronger, the weather is colder, and there is a lot of precipitation in the winter, you want to make sure you have a flag that is made of durable materials so you can still fly on most days during these colder months.
To get the most out of your flag, you will need to purchase an outdoor polyester flag. At Collins Flags, we offer U.S. flags, state flags, military flags, American government flags, and more made with polyester material.
If you are currently flying a nylon flag on your in-ground flagpole, we highly recommend you switch it for a polyester flag to reduce any potential damage that could occur.
The first thing you need to do is check all of your flagpole parts before winter approaches, and after a winter storm. To do this productively, look at the flagpole truck pulley, flagpole halyard and the flagpole swivel snaps (or flagpole clips) to make sure these parts are not damaged. If they seem to be worn out, Collins Flags offers all of these parts for easy replacement.
Most importantly, when changing your flag for winter, check the truck to make sure it is functioning properly. If the truck is damaged, this can cause other parts to break faster too.
If you live in a windy area, we also suggest downsizing your flag to reduce stress on your flagpole. A smaller flag is also easier for you to maintain.
How to Clean Your Flag
Another way to prepare your flag and flagpole for winter, is to clean your flag to reduce wear and tear. To do this you can simply use mild detergent and wash on the gentle cycle. Once completed, you can lay the flag out flat to dry. Cleaning your flag regularly will also increase the lifespan of your flag.
The Best Flagpole for Winter
Once you purchase the right flag, consider purchasing a flagpole that is sturdy and will withstand windy, winter weather.
The telescoping aluminum flagpole is a popular choice for a lot of people if a one-piece aluminum flagpole is not in your budget. This Collins Flags telescoping flagpole includes everything you need for easy assembly. They are simple to break down if you want to bring your flag inside for the winter but are also durable to prevent damage in winter conditions.
You can learn more about how to install your flagpole here.
How Wind Affects Flagpoles
When a flag is exposed to wind frequently, it can wear out your flag over time.
To prevent wear and tear, make sure your flag is not rubbing against anything when flying, and ensure you are far enough away from any obstacles when you install your flagpole.
If there is a big storm in the forecast, it may be a good idea to bring your flag and flagpole inside to eliminate any potential damage. While they are made to last, you should always make sure you are taking the proper precautions to take care of your flags and flagpoles.
Shop all of our flags and flagpoles from Collins Flags to prepare for winter, so you can fly your flag proudly all year long.